Beijing Olympic Venues,Tourism and Transport Map

Sinomap, China
Sinomap, China
︎2008 Third Prize Winner of Peixiu Award for Best Maps - Chinese Society for Geodesy Photogrammetry & Cartography
︎2009 Winner of Illustrated Books - Chinese 7th National Book Design Art Exhibition
2009年 第七届全国书籍设计艺术展览“插图类” 最佳书籍设计奖
︎2009 Winner of Maps and Plans of Towns and Urban Areas 2009 - International Cartographic Exhibition Competition
2009年 第24届国际制图大会“城市地图” 金奖
︎2009 Winner of Illustrated Books - Chinese 7th National Book Design Art Exhibition
2009年 第七届全国书籍设计艺术展览“插图类” 最佳书籍设计奖
︎2009 Winner of Maps and Plans of Towns and Urban Areas 2009 - International Cartographic Exhibition Competition
2009年 第24届国际制图大会“城市地图” 金奖
As regards practical research, we worked with Sinomap Press in 2006-2008 and designed the Beijing Olympic Venues, Tourism and Transport Map for the Beijing Olympic Games. The map is made into six volumes, which respectively represent the six themes of venue, environment, culture, technology, transport and achievement of the Olympic Games. We successfully solved the problem of condensing large quantities of information into a limited space by using visual infographics in the map. At the same time, we also reformed the common geographical signs, the use of colors and the hierarchical structure of information in common paper maps in Beijing. The map was published during the Beijing Olympics and acclaimed by readers from all walks of life. It won a bronze award for excellent maps from the Chinese Society of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartog (CSGPC) in 2008. From the readers’ response, we found that western graphic design and visual representation are not accepted by all Chinese readers, and reports say that Japan and South Korea are facing the same problem. There are many reasons for this, but the most important one is the difference in the logic reasoning and visual cognition between the eastern and western readers. This encourages me to explore the issue in the future: that is, how to spread western advanced concepts and technology on visual information communication, how to create suitable visual reading forms for the Asian readers, and how to improve their communication speed and quality.